You are always welcome
to worship with us
in our beautiful church
Sunday Mass at 9.00 AM
If you wish to book your Mass Intention,
please call the Rectory in advance at 203- 729-4035
Sunday - January 5 - SOLEMNITY of the LORD'S EPIPHANY
Readings for this day - Click HERE
Sunday - January 12 - SOLEMNITY of the BAPTISM of the LORD
Readings for this Sunday - Click HERE
Sunday - January 19 - 2nd Sunday of ORDINARY TIME
Readings for this day - Click HERE
Sunday - January 26 - 3rd Sunday of ORDINARY TIME
Readings for this day - Click HERE
Sunday - February 2 - SOLEMNITY of the PRESENTATION of our LORD
Readings for this day - Click HERE
Sunday - February 9 - 5th Sunday of ORDINARY TIME (Septuagesima)
Readings for this day - Click HERE
Sunday - February 16 - 6th Sunday of ORDINARY TIME (Sexagesima)
Readings for this day - Click HERE
Sunday - February 23 - 7th Sunday of ORDINARY TIME (Quinquagesima)
Readings for this day - Click HERE
Sunday - March 2 - 8th Sunday of ORDINARY TIME
Readings for this day - Click HERE
Ash Wednesday - March 5
7:00 PM - Holy Mass with imposition of ashes on the heads
Parish Office Hours:
- Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
- Wednesdays: 1:00 PM – 7:00 PM
- Baptism, Confession, Marriage Call the Rectory at (203) 729-4035
- Call the Rectory at anytime or Father Paul at (475) 208-4455
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
in National Catholic Church
It was at the Last Supper, the night before He was crucified, that Jesus Christ instituted the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. He blessed and shared bread and wine with His apostles, proclaiming it His Body and Blood. The Holy Eucharist is Jesus Christ Himself mystically present under the forms of bread and wine.
The Holy Mass is the sacrifice of the New Testament in which bread and wine are consecrated as the mystical Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. The Eucharist is offered to God through the ministry of a priest as a perpetual commemoration of Christ’s sacrifice upon the cross, which is offered once and for all time for the redemption, regeneration and salvation of humankind.
The Holy Mass is the central point of worship and life in the National Catholic Church. Those who share our beliefs in the Eucharist and the Catholic faith, which are summarized in the Nicene Creed, are welcome to worship God with us at Mass. Those who are baptized in the name of the Holy Trinity and come to the altar prepared properly and repentant are invited to receive the Eucharist with us.
Children may receive the Eucharist after they have completed catechism classes for First Holy Communion. They may start learning if they are at least seven years old and in the second grade.
The Holy Mass is the sacrifice of the New Testament in which bread and wine are consecrated as the mystical Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. The Eucharist is offered to God through the ministry of a priest as a perpetual commemoration of Christ’s sacrifice upon the cross, which is offered once and for all time for the redemption, regeneration and salvation of humankind.
The Holy Mass is the central point of worship and life in the National Catholic Church. Those who share our beliefs in the Eucharist and the Catholic faith, which are summarized in the Nicene Creed, are welcome to worship God with us at Mass. Those who are baptized in the name of the Holy Trinity and come to the altar prepared properly and repentant are invited to receive the Eucharist with us.
Children may receive the Eucharist after they have completed catechism classes for First Holy Communion. They may start learning if they are at least seven years old and in the second grade.
Every Friday during Lent the 14-part meditation on Jesus’ way of the cross is held at 7:00 PM. The evening Stations of the Cross include processional and closing hymns and sung verses and responses, while the noon service includes no music or singing. The meditations and prayers focus on the traditional 14 stations based on Scripture and also on legend. They start with Jesus’ condemnation to death on a cross, continue with the events that happened while He carried His cross, then the crucifixion and finally His entombment. The service is about 45 minutes long.