Confirmation at our Parish on May 17 2009
A great day has come for the community of the Holy Saviour parish of the PNCC in Union City, CT when after almost two years of preparation three young people: Molly Kathleen ELIZABETH Walsh, Elizabeth Daisy KATHLEEN Walsh and Kurtis Daniel STANLEY Szczesiul, (capital letter are printed the confirmation names), have received last month, May 17, 2009 the sacrament of confirmation at Holy Saviour Church. The preparation those candidates has been started by Fr. Senior Joe Krusienski in 2007. Regular classes were taken once a week on Wednesday since that time and were given by Fr. Senior Joe. Without break the classes were continued and given to the candidates to this sacrament by Fr. Paul Dudek throughout the whole year 2008 and concluded on April this year 2009. During this course all the candidates have been working hardly learning a lot of topics from the knowledge of our faith as well as from the history of our Church. And now I can say with a clear conscience that today they are well-prepared and ready to stay strong for what they believe and be ready in the future to defend their faith as well. This celebration took place in our church at 4:00 in the afternoon followed by reception at the parish hall in honor of the newly confirmed. Besides the members of the candidates families, there were many others members of our parish who attended this very important event for the whole our community. The most important person present was our Ordinary Bishop, Right Rev. Thomas J. Gnat who came to administer this sacrament delivering his homily on this occasion. He gave to the candidates some strong inputs regarding their Christian behavior and encouraged them not to be ashamed before others for what they believe. Among our guests were present: Very Rev. Joseph Krusienski, Fr. Zbigniew Kaszubski, Fr. Paul Lukaszewicz and Fr. Chris Rogalski with their Families. After the celebration every one was enjoining the reception prepared by the families of the candidates. There was a confirmation cake served to the guests by newly confirmed. Here are some pictures captured on that day.
by Fr. Paul Dudek, pastor
by Fr. Paul Dudek, pastor